Rigid & Repetitive Behaviors

Rigid and repetitive behaviors are a defining characteristic of the autism diagnosis. These types of behaviors are engrained in routine and rituals. They can be very burdensome to individuals and family members as they require a very specific lifestyle. This typically results in an inability to gain new experiences and learn new skills. It is the hope that these videos can provide a starting point for parents and children to overcome these hurdles.

Daily routines that have to be performed consecutively by the person with autism can be a major detriment to the individual and the family unit. We will explore different methods to reduce and eliminate these ritual loops that people can get caught in.

Individual’s with autism tend to have limited interests. In this series we will explore the importance of developing leisure skills and increased interests. We will also show parents how to reinforce and shape new leisure activities for their child.

In this series we will explore different ways to expand the eating habits of individuals with autism. Poor dietary habits have contributed to increases in obesity, diabetes, and heart disease within this population.

Getting on a plane can be a very daunting task for individuals with autism and their families. In this series we explore ways to make this process as smooth as possible. We discuss graduated exposure and social stories.

Education is the key that unlocks the golden door to freedom
— George Washington Carver